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Official Website Redesign

Right after graduation, I applied to become a Project Intern. In this team, I listened to the needs of the product owner and cooperate with the marketing team and outsourcing developers to redesign the official website.


Our website is not attractive enough for our clients. Users get lost when navigating through the pages.


Improve the information architecture and website content. Redesign the UI.


UX & UI Designer


1 months


Michael Campbell (Product Owner)

Rory Brittain (Graphic Designer)

Ethan Chan (Marketing Intern)


My Impact

As the time and budget were limited and I was the sole designer in this team, I utilized the existing resources and led the redesign process. Due to pandemics, we work remotely. I listened to business needs and identified the design opportunities via competitor audit. Overall, the proposed changes can provide an easy-to-use experience, increasing the purchase probability to some extent.

VTS pre.png

Virtual Teen Sitting

Virtual Teen Sitting was created with the intention of making childcare more accessible, convinient and even safter than traditional baby sitting.

Covid-19 demonstrated the growing power of technology in facilitating personable interactions. The convenience of working from home was appreciated by many, as demonstrated by the Remote Work Survey 2020 indicating that 92% of people would like to continue working from home in a post-COVID world.



Research Objective

Our website is not attractive enough for our  clients and doesn’t convey the appropriate sense.


We considered the demand of our end users and audited industry competitors to find effective improvement plan


Before redesign

Service Scope


Virtual Sitters (Main)

Virtual Teen Sitting provides one-on-one virtual childminding services designed specifically for teenagers. This allows for low-stress, high-quality interactions.


Sky Watch Product

An innovative multi-functional wristwatch, SkyWatch connects to emergency contacts and instantly notifies them when required.

VTS's Unique Value Position

A professional & high-tech team

who care children’s

Academic & Mental Health Development


I developed the persona based on the pre-obtained users' stories from the marketing department.

research website.001.jpeg
research website.002.jpeg
research website.003.jpeg

Competitor Analysis


Did their website build trust?


How does their website feel? Does the design complement the product?


Will user get confuse during navigation?


We review these aspects of each websites design:

  • Audience

  • First thought

  • User Interaction

  • Visual Design

  • Content

Competitor A

research website.001.jpeg
a good.png


  • Provide trustworthy feedback from clients

  • Keep the navigation simple and clear

  • Have clear brand identity

a bad.png


  • Visual outcome cause reading difficulties

  • Cannot remember the info of kids

  • Lack of tutor’s info

Competitor B

research website.002.jpeg
b good.png


  • Consistent design convey professional feel

  • Sorting feature help narrow down the target tutor

  • The booking process is clear presented

b bad.png


  • Incomplete sitter’s info cannot built trust

  • Inconsistent navigation

  • Cannot track the schedule

Competitor C

research website.003.jpeg
c good.png


  • Engaging and fun user experience 

  • Hierarchy is clear and navigation is simple

  • Visual/text are well-balanced and consistent

  • The search result is well displayed

c bad.png


  • Accessibility design is incompatible

  • Some interactions’ feedback are missing.



By matching the user needs to existing solutions, I identified several design opportunities.

About Visual

Beneficial for building trust & Reduce reading difficulties

VTS 1.png
  • Improve layout

The inappropriate layout emphasis unimportant content.

  • Balance the colour ratio

​The existing website used a large quantity of highly-saturated colours. It looks unprofessional and causes reading difficulty.

Existing website for VTS

  • Keep images consistent

Due to the limited budget, our images are mainly from free image websites. In this case, they need further processing to be in the same style. A trick I learned from competitor C is using repetitive/same style elements as stickers for different images.


About Content

Make experience clearer and trustworthy

  • Tell the story

Both competitors A and B tell the stories about why they want to provide remote sitting services and their core values. In this way, the connection between parents and us will be established in the first impression.

  • Clarified the process

Users will feel unsure or confused without instructions when booking. Need a How It Works part to lead them.

  • Improve comment section

Competitor A uses clients' full names, locations, headlines, and direct quotes to increase credibility.

About Main Features

Easier interaction

  • Improve the hierarchy 

Users get confused when navigating through the pages. The text is not intuitive and the hierarchy is messy.

image 11.png
VTS 2.png
  • Improve the sitter list

The previous list did not allow users to obtain effective information directly. I learned from competitor C that uses tags to emphasize the strengths of sitters that users can match themselves with sitters quickly.

example 6.png
  • Improve the register/booking page

The provided forms are lengthy and overwhelming. Need redesign to make them clean.

image 12.png
Group 47.png


Information Architecture

I break website content into different sections, and invite other interns to reconstruct information architecture via Card Sorting

IA before.png
IA after.png

Design System

Based on the provided colour palette, I developed a basic design system.

basic design system.png

Final Mockup

Provide users with

a comfortable reading condition


Telling the Audience we are

Professional & Trustworthy

About us 2.png

Use story to create connections

Creditable feedbacks

Make user experience 

Easy & Efficient 


Tags make reading effective

Seamless experience

Log In.png
Sign Up.png
Consultation booking.png


💡 Although the journey is short, I learned a lot from it.

  • It's my first time not starting from scratch, but improving the existing product.

  • By cooperating with the marketing department and graphic designer, the redesign went on smoothly.

  • When I encounter difficulties like website design standards and visual communication, I seek help from senior designers.

  • Be brave and confident to challenge myself by pushing the limitation!

🥊 However, I know there must be something I can do better!

  • I did not have enough time to finish the Personal Center. Producing a fluent and easy to use dashboard is a great opportunity to show our professionalism.

  • Although the goal of this version's visual design is to emphasise our core value and build trust, the style might be too serious for young teenagers. It can be improved by decreasing the use of primary colour or adding cute elements like childish drawings.

  • The booking process can be further simplified by optimizing the service flow.

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